Uncategorized May 29, 2024

Hold On and Enjoy The Ride Buttercup!

Hi Neighbors!

Purchasing a home can be very intimidating especially for first time homebuyers. People often become comfortable with renting and become hesitant to break the cycle. “I can’t afford a 20% down payment”, “It’s too expensive to buy”, and “I don’t know if my credit is good enough” are all fears that first time home buyers face. I am here to tell you that buying a home doesn’t have to be scary. In this blog I’m going to go over the benefits of buying vs renting.


  1. Predictable monthly housing payments: A landlord can raise your rent whenever a lease expires, but as a homeowner, you can lock in a predictable mortgage payment for as long as 30 years.
  2. Appreciation: By purchasing a home, you’ll have an asset that, in many cases, will appreciate in value over time. This makes your home one of the best investments you can make and a way to establish a financial foundation for future generations.
  3. Tax Benefits: The many expenses of owning a home such as property taxes are deductible. This allows you to keep more of your hard-earned money.
  4. Freedom to make modifications: Owning a home gives you the ability to make any changes your heart desires! Lay new carpeting, paint a room a different color, or renovate an entire room. The possibilities are endless. Many rentals won’t even let tenants put nails in the wall which stifles their ability to decorate and really make a house feel like a home.
  5. It’s cheaper: Although there’s the upfront cost of the downpayment and closing, the monthly payments on a  mortgage are often lower than rent. There are also many different loan programs that require as little as 3% down which makes buying a house more affordable and realistic.
  6. Increased privacy: You don’t need to worry about noisy upstairs neighbors or hearing every sound from the apartment next to you. No more sharing walls with strangers. Having your own spaces a liberating feeling. You can also enjoy the added perk of a private backyard and can put up a fence for additional privacy and security.
  7. Build up equity and credit for future purchases: Paying a mortgage improves your credit score and increases your equity which aids in being approved for future purchases. You can also convert assets into cash if necessary which is another reason equity is so important.
  8. Community ties: Home Ownership gives you a sense of pride and often leads to more involvement in the community. Owning a house you plan on staying in for a while also allows you to have an impact on your community with your taxes benefiting local schools and organizations.
  9. A secure retirement: The longer you own a house, the more it should eventually be worth. As you get older, you can sell the home and use the proceeds to purchase something smaller or rent the house out to pay for retirement travels.
  10. It’s YOURS: Stop paying your landlord’s mortgage and start putting money towards a home you can look at and say that is mine!


Ultimately, you’re going to benefit from buying rather than renting. If you have any questions or comments, I’m always available for you in ANY State!