Uncategorized May 28, 2024

“Do What You Can’t..”-Samsung/First Time Home Buying Made Simple

Hi Neighbors!

Roughly 75% of my clients are first time homebuyers and almost 99% of them were a nervous WRECK when they first contacted me about possibly buying their first home! Buying (and even selling) does NOT have to be that difficult and when hiring myself and my laundry list of Cabinet Members (I’ll explain more of this shortly) the whole process can be quite the opposite.


If I had a $1 for every time I heard someone say, it’s all about hiring the “right” Realtor®…. So, I’m not going to bore you about that, except to say I stand 110% behind that statement. A “good” Realtor® comes with a laundry list of “helpers” to make the whole transaction as smooth as possible. I personally, call my trustful list, my Cabinet Members. Like all US Presidents they always elect a Cabinet when they’re sworn into office and that cabinet is the BEST of the best, in their professional opinions. So, my Cabinet is comprised of the best Real Estate Attorney, Mortgage Lender, Home Inspector and the list goes on. Now, my job doesn’t end when the ink is dry, my cabinet is also comprised of Plumbers, Accountants, Handywomen/men, Landscapers, etc.


Make sure the FIRST call when thinking of starting the process is to your trusted Realtor®. It’s NEVER too early to make that call. Any good Realtor® can get you in contact with their preferred list of vendors immediately to get you in the best shape to buy. Now, don’t expect to call a Realtor® and have them start taking you out to look at homes that following weekend. You will need to get the “plan” in order first before you’re ready to start knocking on a sellers door.


Having a trusted Realtor® in your contacts is a HUGE plus when deciding what’s fact and fiction in the process as well.

  • You don’t HAVE to buy with 20% downpayment
  • You don’t always need thousands of dollars for closing costs
  • You don’t need an 800 credit score to purchase a home

Talking about your own finances can be very intimidating, even for ME! But, being honest with your Realtor® and Mortgage Lender is imperative to make sure there are very few bumps in the road as possible.


I could go on for days about first time home buying, but it ALL starts with… The Realtor®! Make sure you vet your pick and they have a plan in place and people to help with experience in those specific areas.

If you have questions or comments, you can reach me at 914-792-8787 or email: justin.landon@randrealty.com I have Realtors that can help in ANY State, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.